The AP4 team is comprised of scientists at the Ministry of Forestry, Forest Research and Development Agency (FORDA) and LIPI Biology.
Goals of AP4:
- Publicize project goals to local stakeholders
- Educate local stakeholders on the importance of preserving their biodiversity resources
- Hendra Gunawan (AP4 leader), FORDA.
- Sri Suharti, Ministry of Forestry (FORDA).
- Endah Sulistyawati (ITB).
- Eko Baroto Walujo, Botany, LIPI.
- Sugiarti Rachim, Eco Park, LIPI.
Major Accomplishments:
- The AP4 team performed a Training Needs assessment in the Southeast Sulawesi area.
- The AP4 team presented a seminar in Lasusua, Sulawesi in November 2011, attended by 60 local stakeholders.
- The AP4 team conducted a workshop in May 2012 that was attended by 88 participants consisting of representation from directorates inside the Ministry of Forestry; Ministry of Environment; BAPPENAS (National Development Planning Agency); FORDA; LIPI, ITB, Bogor Agricultural University, BAPPEDA Sulawesi Tenggara Province (South Sulawesi Province Development Planning Agency); and Non Governmental Organizations (World Wildlife Fund; Wildlife Conservation Society; The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, Burung Indonesia; Kehati). Photos of this meeting can be viewed on the results page.