
AP1: Biodiversity Surveys

The primary goals of the AP1 team are to perform a biodiversity survey of plants, insects and vertebrates, and use this information to support biodiversity conservation efforts by the AP4 team. In addition, the AP1 team collects and identifies insects, plants and soil for microbe isolation by the AP2 team, and plants for therapeutics screening by the AP4 team.

Goals of AP1:

  • Conduct biological inventories along an altitude gradient, develop multimetric biodiversity models
  • Categorize and describe biodiversity, develop synoptic collections of plants and animals
  • Develop monitoring strategy for watershed health
  • Local training and capacity building


  • Andrew Engilis Jr. (zoologist), Curator, UC Davis Museum of Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, AP1 leader.
  • Alan Hitch (zoologist), Postdoc, UC Davis Wildlife and Fish Conservation Biology
  • Rosichon Ubaidillah (entomologist), AP2 co-leader, LIPI Biology
  • Elizabeth Widjaja (botanist), AP2 co-leader, LIPI Biology
  • UC Davis personnel: Steve Heydon (entomologist),  Bob Kimsey (entomologist), Dan Potter (botanist), John Trochet (zoologist), Irene Engilis (zoologist)
  • LIPI personnel:


Vera Budi Lestari Sihotang, Elizabeth A. Widjaja & Daniel Potter. Medicinal Plant Knowledge of Tolaki and Toraja in Tinukari Village and Its Surrounding. Proceeding of the International Seminar: Strategy and Challenges of Bamboo and Potential Non-Timper Forest Products (NTFPs) Management and Utilization, Centre for Forest Productivity Improvement Research and Development, FORDA, Department of Forestry, Bogor, September 2011 (in press).

Academic Policy Proposal:

Proposal to Change the Functional Status of Mekongga Mountain from Protected Forest to Conservation Forest (in Bahasa Indonesia). “Naskah Akademik: Usulan Perubahan Fungsi Kawasan Hutan Lindung Komplek Pegunungan Mekongga Menjadi Hutan Konservasi”. Drafted: May 2012.

Major accomplishments:

  • Five expeditions to sites in Southeast Sulawesi: the Mekongga mountain range, Papalia Protection Forest, Rawa Aopa, Mangolo
  • Plant, insect and vertebrate specimens collected, preserved, and deposited in biological collections at LIPI and UC Davis
  • Parataxonomy training workshop
  • Biodiversity modeling